Facilities Service Management

Transform your workplace experience with digital facilities service management
Facilities Service Management

Streamline facilities operations to focus on what matters most

Modernize facilities management by automating one-to-one interactions and routine manual work. Save thousands of hours every year by digitalizing employee service and automating facilities workflows.

Solving your facilities management challenges

Automate to reduce operational costs

Reduce costs

Automate employee interaction and service delivery to cut day-to-day operational costs and divert time and budget to more strategic facilities projects. Streamline and accelerate maintenance tasks with guided workflows and 24x7 access to facilities knowledge.

Achieve high-availability facilities services

Protect business continuity
When facilities issues interrupt employee productivity, business continuity and profitability can take a hit—and the reputation of the facilities team can be damaged. Enterprise service management software gives you all the tools you need to achieve high-availability facilities services.

Boost FM reputation with a better Employee Experience (EX)

Improve the employee experience

Let employees skip the call queue with a web and mobile facilities portal—where they can instantly log an issue or facilities service request. Fewer calls means more time for you to focus on improving the overall employee experience.

Embed safety guidance into workflows

Improve safety
Ensure safety procedures are followed every time by pro-actively pushing safety information to facilities technicians right before they need them. Embedding safety information in processes demonstrates clear compliance with regulations.

Automation boosts capacity

Ease the pressure of staff shortages
Use digital workflow orchestration and automation to drive efficiency. Shortening time taken to deliver services and resolve issues means facilities administrators and technicians can get more done every day. 

Digitalize employee interaction

Digitalize employee interaction

Cut inbound calls by 90%

Most routine employee interactions don't need to happen face-to-face. For minor issues and small requests, people prefer using a web or mobile portal. It's a win-win. They can get on with their day instead of waiting for someone to pick up the phone. You can focus on problem-solving and facilities planning, not taking calls.

Automate delivery of facilities services

Automate delivery of facilities services

Deliver hands-free facilities services with codeless automated workflows

With Hornbill, facilities leaders can quickly design automated facilities service delivery processes with our drag-and-drop workflow canvas. It connects codelessly to your facilities (and other) systems to pull information and automate tasks.

Funding IT investements in 2022 and beyond

A new approach for a new pace of business

How to 10x your productivity with Facilities Service Management

Automated interaction

Automated interaction

Automate employee touchpoints to cut calls and emails by up to 90%.

Automated Work

Automated work

Automate tasks to crush team workloads by up to 80%.

More time for work that counts

More time for work that counts

Focus your time on what matters most.

Elevate the reputation of Facilities Management

With simple, codeless facilities service automation, you can quickly change what the shape of your workload looks like. Inbound calls and routine tasks are radically reduced, replaced by strategic facilities projects to support enhanced productivity and business transformation.

Digital transformation of facilities helps drive digital transformation of the whole organization.

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