Optimize your workflows with custom lookups
Audience: This blog article is for Hornbill administrators who are confident workflow configurators.
Hornbill’s workflow designer provides a drag-and-drop canvas for automating your business processes and turning your manual processes into digital, automated workflows.
If you have a large/complex set of conditional operations in a workflow, a good way to manage that complexity is to use custom lookups. Custom lookups help simplify your workflows and improve their performance.
Custom lookups allow you to define records of mappings that can be recalled in workflows.
For example, you can create records of catalog items mapped to teams - so that in a corresponding workflow you can simply invoke the custom lookup entity record when you perform team assignment. That means you don't have to extrapolate individual catalog items and assign them one-by-one to a supporting team.
This video illustrates how custom lookups work, and provides a walkthrough of how to turn a workflow's decision-tree style approach into something much simpler - reducing the number of nodes used and improving browser performance:
Explore the documentation to uncover more about Custom Lookups within Service Manager.