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Enterprise Service Management is not IT Processes being used outside of IT

Written by Gerry Sweeney | 24-Jan-2023 15:25:17

I see this explanation in one form or another everywhere. While it is true that many concepts in ESM have been proven and matured in the context of IT, it is not true to say that IT processes and experience is being applied elsewhere in the business. To say that is like saying ITIL is LEAN being used beyond the walls of manufacturing. ITIL borrows concepts from LEAN, DevOps and other places, just as ESM does.

Enterprise Service Management (ESM) is a modern approach to managing and delivering services to your organization, specifically your employees and customers. It focuses on delivering value to the business by streamlining processes to improve overall operational efficiency through automation of your human and system tasks, in much the same way as a production line in a factory streamlines the manufacturing processes used in the production of things.

One of the key benefits of ESM is the ability to align the services you deliver with the overall goals and objectives of the business. By understanding the needs and priorities of the organization, ESM can ensure that services are tailored to support the business in reaching its goals. ESM helps to ensure that resources are being used effectively and that the services provided are truly beneficial to the organization.

Another benefit of ESM is its emphasis on standardization. By implementing consistent repeatable and measurable processes and procedures, ESM enables the organization to deliver services in a more predictable and cost-efficient manner. This can help to reduce errors and improve the overall quality of service. Standardization can also lead to cost savings as once you have standardised elements of your operation, you can automate and incrementally optimize those processes over time.

ESM also provides an operating system for continuous improvement. By regularly monitoring and evaluating the services provided, ESM allows the organization to identify areas for improvement and make necessary changes, helping to ensure that services are always meeting the needs of the business and that the organization remains competitive.

ESM promotes collaboration and communication across departments. By involving all relevant parties in the service management process, ESM encourages teamwork and fosters a culture of cooperation and mutual understanding. This can lead to improved decision-making and faster resolution of issues.

Furthermore, ESM allows for better governance and compliance. By implementing clear policies and procedures, ESM ensures that the services provided are in compliance with relevant laws and regulations. This helps to reduce the risk of non-compliance and improve the overall reputation of the organization.

In summary, Enterprise Service Management (ESM) is a valuable modern approach for organizations looking to improve their service delivery and streamlined processes. There is no special framework needed, you can leverage technology to achieve an effective deployment of ESM, aligning services with business goals, standardizing procedures, promoting continuous improvement, fostering collaboration, and ensuring compliance, ESM can help organizations to improve efficiency, reduce costs and enhance their reputation.

By coincidence, Hornbill is in the business of making life at work better through the use of ESM and our technology that focuses on that. I have personally been involved with designing / building technology that supports ESM long before the term even existed, and love talking about all things ESM. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me any time.